
The meaning of the word Trustworthy is: able to be relied on or trusted


Your best friend is often someone you would consider trustworthy, someone you would share your secrets and success with.

published by Kelsey on 2021-01-24 17:49:29

Most people would consider their parents trustworthy, and be willing to trust them with serious issues and problems that beset them.

published by Valeria on 2021-05-30 01:08:12

The police are generally regarded as a trustworthy entity in any country, being a group that you can come to for assistance if you need help.

published by Doretha on 2021-05-08 07:47:00

Most people view doctors as trustworthy individuals, because they know that doctors have spent many years receiving specialized training in their craft.

published by Carmelita on 2021-02-07 12:54:36

An elected leader of a country should always be trustworthy, but unfortunately politics is fraught with deceit and subterfuge.

published by Jenee on 2021-04-02 03:52:00

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