
The meaning of the word Tundra is: a huge artic biome that is flat and without trees


1. While trees don't grow in a tundra, certain plants do thrive in this biome.

published by Bernadette on 2021-08-01 17:00:01

2. The man yearned to live in a cabin surrounded by trees so he moved away from the barren tundra.

published by Jani on 2021-05-23 11:57:20

3. Because of the glacial weather, the field behind our house resembles a tundra.

published by Elenore on 2021-08-06 15:55:37

4. Everyone in the group wore thick winter gear during our exploration of the tundra.

published by Elvin on 2021-05-09 02:45:24

5. If you find yourself in a treeless area that has cold temperatures and low precipitation, you are most likely in a tundra.

published by Celsa on 2021-06-23 10:32:28

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