
The meaning of the word Verbal is: spoken aloud


Bree hated the verbal portion of her Spanish exam because while she knew how to write the words on paper, speaking the out loud was far more difficult.

published by Suzy on 2021-01-11 21:50:19

She was terrible at verbal communication and preferred texting than talking on the phone.

published by Marcie on 2021-12-26 06:33:06

Scientists worry that because of the rise in social media the verbal communication will decline because there's no need to speak in person when you can type instead.

published by Patty on 2021-09-22 02:13:42

The teacher instructed the students not to nod or shake their head when she asked a question, but to answer with a verbal and loud “yes” or “no”.

published by Winona on 2021-10-19 05:03:31

The restaurant urged customers who were unhappy with their food to call and leave a verbal complaint instead of posting angry reviews on the internet.

published by Williams on 2021-07-19 14:55:25

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