
Le sens du mot Bruit est: a report or a rumor


The soldier delivered a bruit to his commander, detailing the events of the mission his soldiers had been dispatched on.

published by Lucrecia on 2021-08-26 11:52:13

My rival spread a bruit about me to the rest of the class, trying to make me look bad with idle gossip.

published by Paola on 2021-01-23 07:01:34

I found a bruit on my desk, detailing everything that had occurred in our company for the past two weeks.

published by Teodora on 2021-09-01 04:02:22

I asked my attendant to get me a bruit on what our employees were up to and how they were performing their duties.

published by Elbert on 2021-10-31 01:53:27

If people are gossiping a lot and spreading too things that aren’t true, you could say they are spreading a bruit.

published by Kathlene on 2021-11-14 04:31:12

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