The meaning of the word Vent is: an opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space
A vent at the top of the chimney allows smoky air to escape and fresh air to enter the home.
published by Latrina on 2021-06-29 15:28:20
The dryer had a vent that expelled lint and hot air from the house.
published by Johnetta on 2021-06-23 06:44:10
Most homes have at least one air vent that releases stale air from the house and allows clean, outside air to enter.
published by Tricia on 2021-05-02 01:43:24
A volcano is a natural vent that releases pent up hot air from the Earth’s surface in the form of lava.
published by Rashad on 2021-06-18 08:42:08
In Victorian times, people used to learn secrets by listening to conversations through an air vent in the wall.
published by Dylan on 2021-05-27 11:33:07